Productivity tip: Email automation

If you’ve ever received what looked like a personalized email from a huge corporation, there’s a good chance it was actually written using an email automation platform. This technology saves time and money while strengthening customer relationships, and contrary to popular belief, it is well within most SMB budgets.

Support a remote workforce with the cloud

Remote working has quickly become a trend among many small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs), despite the fact that many “traditional” business owners are skeptical of it. Even for those who don’t make use of it, the data can be quite surprising: working remotely works.

Take advantage of these 4 cloud services features

Cloud services are modern solutions for modern business problems, yet not all cloud users understand just how well these can augment business processes.

Cloud services can offer a lot more beyond storage and email solutions; fully integrating your business with the cloud can help streamline your business processes, generate opportunities for promotion and marketing, and provide valuable metrics and transaction data that can help influence your business strategies.

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