Windows 10 keyboard shortcuts you need to know

It’s undeniable that using keyboard shortcuts activate computer commands faster than dragging a touchpad or a mouse. To that end, if you’re using Windows 10, there are a couple of new keyboard shortcuts worth trying.

Windows Snapping

If you’ve never used Windows Snapping, you’re missing out on one of Windows 10’s key features.

The basics on 2-step and 2-factor authentication

Cybersecurity is a vital component to businesses these days. You need to make sure that criminals cannot just hack into your network. When it comes to verifying users’ identity, there are two types of authentication used: two-step and two-factor. These two are so similar, many confuse one with the other.

Atlanta Hawks Online Store Malware

E-commerce has quickly become the shopping method of choice for many consumers, and securing this process is critical for any company looking to capitalize on this trend. To put it simply, if customers don’t trust that your checkout is secure, they are less likely to make a purchase on your platform. Businesses must vet their third-party payment processing providers and implement additional layers of security through MSPs who can navigate digital marketplaces to understand how compromised payment data is being used by hackers. Employee Phishing Scam

Phishing scams are preventable, and the right training coupled with proactive security software can stop such an attack before it compromises the entire network. This incident serves as reminder that untrained and unfamiliar staff can be a point of vulnerability that hackers tap into, creating significant security risks for any company.

Doctors’ Management Office Ransomware Attack

Ransomware is a serious problem for healthcare companies and those tasked with managing patient data. Having the right backup infrastructure in place is important, and, in this case, allowed the company to avoid paying a ransom to reclaim its data. However, implementing the right security measures for proactive detection is even more critical for preventing attacks from occurring in the first place.

3 Essential Types Of Cyber Security Your Business Must HaveCLICK HERE!
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