Syracuse City School District services stopped after ransomware attack

Exploit: Ransomware
Syracuse City School District: Public school district based in Syracuse, New York

Risk to Small Business: 2 = Severe: Ransomware brought services to a stop at the Syracuse City School District. The attack prevented the district from accessing their systems, and the malware spread to the city’s library system, which is now similarly hamstrung. While the district used backups to restore some services, including payroll, human relations, and student management, many of its online infrastructure remains inaccessible. What’s more, the district is embroiled in a debate about the best approach to recover their network as their insurance provider encourages them to pay the ransom and law enforcement agencies suggest that they refrain from making a payment. Regardless of the eventual approach, the district expects to incur six-figure losses from the incident.

Individual Risk: No personal information was compromised in the breach.

Customers Impacted: Unknown
How it Could Affect Your Customers’ Business: The incident at Syracuse City School District illuminates a fierce debate about the most advantageous response to a ransomware attack. Many see paying the ransom as the fastest and most affordable way to recover crucial IT infrastructure. However, responding to ransom demands can incentivize bad behavior, making it more likely that these attacks will continue to wreak havoc on organizations and municipalities around the world. Therefore, it’s important to remember that the best response plan is based around a robust defense that includes identifying network vulnerabilities before an attack occurs.

Risk Levels:

1 - 1.5 = Extreme Risk
1.51 - 2.49 = Severe Risk
2.5 - 3 = Moderate Risk

*The risk score is calculated using a formula that considers a wide range of factors related to the assessed breach.

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