Microsoft changes how it updates Windows 10

Before, whenever Microsoft’s hardware partners released updates on their drivers, those updates caused multiple problems for Windows 10 users. To resolve that, Microsoft revised the way it updates Windows 10.

First, let’s distinguish between driver updates and operating system (OS) updates:

Driver updates – A driver is software that allows your computer’s OS to communicate with various hardware devices connected to your computer.

Office 365 hacking: What you need to know

Some hackers have become so skilled that they don’t even need you to give up your credentials to hack into your account. One recent cyberthreat is targeted towards users of Microsoft Office 365. You don’t want to be the next victim, so read up.
A phishing scam that harvests users’ credentials
The latest cyberattack on Microsoft Office 365 involves harvesting users’ credentials.

Wyze’s database exposes 2,400,000 users’ personal information

Today’s consumers are beginning to make buying decisions based on a brand’s data security reputation. Especially in a sensitive sector like smart home technology, a strong cybersecurity posture is a prerequisite for long-term success. Unforced errors, such as leaving a database exposed, become especially egregious. Of course, mistakes do happen, and businesses need a response plan to contain the event and to identify the scope of the problem as quickly as possible.

3 Essential Types Of Cyber Security Your Business Must HaveCLICK HERE!
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