5 Tips for maximizing VoIP security

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology is known for all the ways it can increase productivity and reduce costs, but it does introduce some significant risks over traditional landlines. To realize the benefits of VoIP phone systems, you need to make its security a top priority.

Common threats to corporate VoIP systems include social engineering scams (which can be carried out over any medium), call hijacking, eavesdropping, man-in-the-middle attacks, and ID spoofing, among others. While such threats might have the average business leader panicking, it’s important to remember that VoIP can provide the most secure communications infrastructure of all if managed correctly.

Here are five ways to lock down your VoIP communications for good:

#1. Empower administrators with centralized management

When you have a massive fleet of both employee- and company-owned devices such as mobile phones, tablets, laptops, and office workstations using VoIP services, you need a centralized management platform to keep track of everything. This will give administrators the power to easily manage access rights and user accounts from a single dashboard. You’ll also be able to roll out company-wide updates and make sure everyone is protected against the latest cyberthreats.

#2. Always use end-to-end encryption

Just as landline phones can be tapped, online communications can also be intercepted by man-in-the-middle attacks. This is likely to be the case when you have employees connecting to unsecured public wireless networks, where a hacker can easily listen in on unencrypted conversations.

The most cutting-edge VoIP solutions must provide full, end-to-end encryption to protect data whilst it’s in transit. This way, even if there is someone monitoring your traffic, it won’t make any sense to them. Furthermore, it also means your employees can connect to any network safely.

#3. Monitor your business communications around the clock

Skilled hackers are often patient individuals who research potential vulnerabilities and carry out their attacks covertly to catch their victims off-guard. These are the sort of criminals who strike without any warning and when you least expect it.

Cybercriminals aren’t taking a break from their nefarious activities, and neither should you. That’s why you need to monitor business communications around the clock for any suspicious activity. Hosted VoIP service providers offer proactive monitoring and maintenance to ensure your phone systems run securely and optimally at all times.

#4. Maintain an archive of all communications

Falling victim to a data breach is one thing, but having the law come down on your business due to noncompliance can make things a whole lot worse. If you have no proof of your compliance and security efforts and a complete archive of your data, you could be liable for lawsuits and massive fines.

VoIP systems with built-in data governance features keep a secure and centralized record of all your communications and data, which will prove essential if you end up facing legal action or a reputation-management disaster due to a successful data breach or other attack.

#5. Get the experts on your side

Having an in-house IT department watching over your VoIP phone systems might sound like a great idea, but it’s not something that small businesses can generally afford.

Building your own in-house VoIP infrastructure is neither practical nor desirable in most situations, not least because it’s very expensive and requires round-the-clock security and maintenance. However, partnering with a managed services provider (MSP) will give you access to industry-leading expertise and technologies.

Arnet Technologies offers outsourced IT services, including VoIP communications, to organizations in Columbus, Ohio. Get in touch today to learn how we can empower your business with our modern technology and expertise.

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