Georgia Court System Hit by Ransomware

Ransomware attacks wreak havoc on an organization’s operational and financial integrity. To make matters worse, they are increasingly becoming more common and costly. Nevertheless, many ransomware attacks are delivered through phishing emails, which can be thwarted through organizational cybersecurity training for employees.

Mercy Health Email Security Breach Exposes Medicare Beneficiaries

Working with contractors and third parties is often a requirement in today’s digital ecosystem. However, those partnerships can create vulnerabilities that organizations need to address before allowing third parties to access their data. Therefore, robust cybersecurity protocols should be a prerequisite for any business relationship that includes that exchange of sensitive personal information.

Is virtualization right for your company?

Virtualization has become a popular solution for many businesses to back up servers, upgrade hardware, or move to the cloud. Deploying virtualized systems has proven cost-effective and efficient for many companies, but is it right for your organization? Here are some factors you ought to consider.

4 Free Google apps you need on your device

Did you know that Google offers more than just Gmail, Maps, and YouTube? A quick browse through Google Play will introduce you to a host of apps that can make your life easier. Window shopping at the Google store, however, means an inundation of productivity-destroying entertainment apps, and you probably have no time to sift through them all.

3 Essential Types Of Cyber Security Your Business Must HaveCLICK HERE!
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