Fileless malware: Are you at risk?

Over the past few years, the security industry has been witnessing a rapid evolution in attack techniques, including fileless malware, which uses legitimate tools and services such as existing software, applications, and authorized protocols to carry out malicious activities such as unauthorized data retrieval or data damage.

Monitor your business with Google Alerts

You can keep tabs on your business online and in real time using Google Alerts, a free and easy- to-use content change detection and notification service. You can even use this tool to monitor your competitors. Read on to learn how it can help you.
What is Google Alerts?
Google Alerts allows you to monitor the web for interesting new content on topics of interest to your business.

The dangers of the web and how to stay safe

You probably go to great lengths to keep yourself safe, whether at home or in public. But what happens when you get online? Learn more about how you could be exposing yourself and your personal information over the internet so you can stay safe.

With the headlines about data breaches and cyberattacks greeting you every time you go online, it seems impossible to have a surefire, foolproof way to keep your information secure.

Which social media platform is best for you?

Finding the right channel to promote one’s business is a growing challenge in the digital age, with social media acting as an indispensable business tool. The question is, what else can you do aside from updating your status? Here are five ways to help you enhance your social media marketing.

3 Essential Types Of Cyber Security Your Business Must HaveCLICK HERE!
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