
Industry tips and tricks from experts with decades of experience in the field

What are Microsoft 365 Groups connectors?

Microsoft 365 Groups is a cross-application service that lets users choose the people with whom they want to collaborate and share resources, such as a document library or a Microsoft Outlook inbox. And with its connectors feature, anyone can send information — even those from third-party apps — to the rest of the group right in their shared inbox.

What’s in store for Windows users in 2021?

If you’ve been waiting for updates on Windows 10, here’s some good news and more! Microsoft will very likely release big updates to the OS in 2021. Additionally, the tech giant is expected to introduce new services designed to maximize user experience across a wide range of devices.

Two excellent ways to verify user identity

A secure login process is an excellent way to protect your business from cybercriminals.
When it comes to verifying user identity, you can choose between two-step authentication and two-factor authentication. Learn the difference between the two so you can have a better appreciation of your cybersecurity options.

3 Essential Types Of Cyber Security Your Business Must HaveCLICK HERE!
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