
Industry tips and tricks from experts with decades of experience in the field

How to protect your business from hurricanes

How to protect your business from hurricanes

In 2021, the United States experienced one of the most active storm seasons on record, upsetting businesses already dealing with a pandemic. For companies without a good disaster recovery plan, the consequences were devastating. This is why your business should have a hurricane disaster recovery plan.

How to personalize Windows 11

How to personalize Windows 11

Windows 11, Microsoft's latest operating system for personal computers and tablets, comes with a lot of features. But it can be even better with a little bit of customization. In this blog post, we will show you how to personalize your Windows 11 devices so you can make the most of its many features.

A short guide to IT security lingo

A short guide to IT security lingo

As more and more businesses move their operations online, the need for robust cybersecurity measures has never been greater. However, many employees are still unfamiliar with many cybersecurity terms. Here are some of the most commonly used terms in IT security.

VoIP softphones or hardphones: Which is better?

VoIP softphones or hardphones: Which is better?

Are you thinking about installing a new business phone system or upgrading your existing one? If you are, you have the choice between VoIP softphones and hardphones. But which one is better? This article will tackle the differences between the two types of VoIP phones and which one your business should get.

3 Ways to secure Microsoft Teams

3 Ways to secure Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams has become an essential tool in the workplace, with its ability to facilitate communication and collaboration in a remote or hybrid setting. However, as more and more users rely on this platform, its potential as a security risk increases.

3 Essential Types Of Cybersecurity Your Business Must HaveCLICK HERE!
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