What Are the Benefits of Working in a Virtual Office?

Office space doesn’t come cheap, particularly when you factor in the costs of furniture, utility bills, receptionists, and copious amounts of coffee. That’s probably why some of the world’s most successful businesses had their humble beginnings in a basement or converted outbuilding. Another popular option is to rent a coworking space, but that may not be up your alley.

Fortunately, there is an alternative that makes a lot of sense for startups and small businesses – a virtual office that travels with you no matter where you go. It’s made possible by cloud computing and managed technology services, where the only requirements are an internet connection and that you pay a predictable monthly subscription fee. In the age of an increasingly flexible workforce, this provides workers many great opportunities.

How Does a Virtual Office Work?

These days, many businesses run their operations over the internet to such an extent that they don’t even need a physical office. They still need a physical address, which is why many startups and small businesses use coworking spaces or even use their home addresses, but when it comes to day-to-day routines, they only need laptops and the internet.

The virtual office allows you and your colleagues to access the same systems and data hosted in the cloud, providing an environment that’s perfect for collaboration. Your employees will enjoy the same level of functionality as a conventional office network would provide, but with much less fuss.

A virtual office consolidates your computing needs into a centrally managed hosted environment in which all hardware and software is located in your provider’s data center. Whether you need an entire Windows operating system and all the usual desktop tools, or just a handful of software apps, everything is scalable and flexible -- you can tailor them to your business needs without investing a fortune.

Security and Compliance Made Easy

If there’s one thing that keeps small business owners up at night, it’s cybersecurity. The threat of data breaches is real and constant, hence the need for security tools that are always up to date. Unfortunately, if you don’t have the expertise and resources to maintain your own in-house technology, you’ll find it difficult to meet your security and compliance goals.

With a virtual office, your provider handles your system’s maintenance and security. They have access to the best technology and talent in the industry, so they’ll do a much better job of looking after your data than a small, underfunded in-house team. And they’ll monitor your virtual office around the clock and keep track of your databases and who is accessing them.

Working with the Best Talent to Further Your Business

Perhaps the best candidate for a job your company needs to fill lives on the other side of the state; under normal circumstances that would eliminate them from contention. But not if you’re set up with a virtual office.

When your employees can work in the cloud, geographical boundaries are no longer an issue. Instead of limiting yourself to those in your immediate area, you can collaborate effectively with people all over the world. They’ll have access to the same apps and data, regardless of where they’re located, which is a huge advantage when you’re looking to work with the best talent.

Arnet Technologies provides startups and small businesses with everything they need to run a cost-effective and well-managed technology infrastructure. Call us today to learn more about our cutting-edge EasyNET Virtual Office services.

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