Magnolia Pediatrics pays ransom to decrypt and retrieve their information

Whether companies choose to pay a ransom or restore their IT infrastructure, ransomware attacks are undoubtedly expensive. With additional financial repercussions that can last indefinitely, every company has thousands of reasons to protect their networks from damaging malware. Taking preventative steps before a breach occurs can save time, money, and personnel resources, making defensive maneuvers the cost-effective, advantageous approach to addressing the threat of ransomware.

Hackers gain access to Zynga’s database, exposing 218,000,000 customers’ data

Data security is increasingly top of mind for consumers. For companies operating in a highly competitive marketplace, it can mean the difference between keeping your customers happy while increasing revenue or losing them forever. Therefore, businesses of every size need to meet the moment by understanding their vulnerabilities, embracing best practices for cyber defense, and building a breach response action plan.

Unauthorized user gains access to Tomo Drug Testing’s personal data

Although Tomo states that data privacy is one of their top concerns, their actions say otherwise. Companies demonstrate their priorities by actively securing their customers’ data and by having a response plan ready in case a breach occurs. Knowing what happens to data after it is stolen and having deliberate channels to communicate this information to your customers are both critical to hastening the recovery process and restoring customer confidence in your brand.

Ransomware restricts Premier Family Medical’s access to 320,000 patients’ data

Whether companies pay a ransom or restore operations using other recovery efforts, the implications can lead to lower ROI, or even worse, closed doors. When it comes to protecting your network against a ransomware attack, a strong defensive posture is the only option, and it’s one that every business should consider to be mission-critical in today’s digital environment.

3 Essential Types Of Cybersecurity Your Business Must HaveCLICK HERE!
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