Solara Medical Supplies to update security protocol after unauthorized third-party gained access to 80,000 patients’ data

Preventing a data breach begins with accounting for your vulnerabilities. One of the easiest yet most important cybersecurity initiatives that businesses should undertake is tightening up security around company email accounts. Whether your business fortifies credentials with strong, unique passwords and two-factor authentication or it integrates active monitoring protocols to evaluate data movement, password protection is quickly becoming a “can’t miss” component of any data security strategy.

PayMyTab failed to follow security protocol, exposing thousands of users’ personal information

Understandably, SMBs sometimes fall short in funding cybersecurity initiatives, but compromises can stifle growth and innovation. This incident was an entirely avoidable mistake, and it’s one that could cost the company as it seeks to expand its customer base and capabilities. More than that, it’s a reminder that a great idea can be stymied by failing to account for the vulnerabilities that accompany improvements in user experience.

Cybercriminals encrypt Allied Universal’s IT infrastructure, demanding a $2 million ransom.

This is an incredibly expansive data breach for an SMB, and the repercussions are bound to be both expensive and far-reaching. Even when companies decline to submit to demands, the recovery costs can easily exceed the ransom payment. Coupled with additional data exposure, the price tag on such an incident could be immense. Ransomware is a top threat for any SMB, and the only adequate recovery is to proactively prevent malware from finding its way into your organization.

Hackers gain access to Starling Physician employee emails with phishing scam

Despite the best efforts of cybersecurity software, some phishing emails will inevitably make their way into your employees’ inboxes. Fortunately, these emails aren’t malicious until acted upon by employees. Comprehensive awareness training can equip all employees to identify and neutralize possible threats. It’s a low level of effort, high impact form of defense that can make a significant impact on your company’s data security efforts and ultimately, your bottom line.

3 Essential Types Of Cyber Security Your Business Must HaveCLICK HERE!
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